Planning tips for your wedding day from a HMUA!

My biggest frustration as a HMUA is something I can’t blame anyone for. Simply because the majority of my clients don’t know to even take this into consideration. What am I talking about?
Nobody thinks about the amount of time it takes to get ready on the day of their wedding! I’ve seen this for years now. Brides don’t even think about the logistics of their wedding day when they are picking 10 bridesmaids and groomsmen, 3 flower girls, and 2 ring bearers. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little, but you know what I am talking about.
Before you pick all of your bridesmaids and maid of honor, think about where you are having your wedding. Do they have a time restriction as to when you can get into the venue? Are you having an early ceremony? First Look? All of these things drastically matter when planning your day. It will also determine how many artists you will need to provide all the services for your bridal party.
From the get-go, you should plan at least 45 minutes minimum for each of the services needed. Brides, you should plan at least 1 hour per service. If you think about these logistics prior to picking all of your people and consider your budget up front, it will save you a lot of stress later when you realize you’re going to need 3 artists and only have 4 hours to get 10 services done with half of the total budgeted for. I can’t tell you how many of my clients inquire and then get overwhelmed at needing 10-14 services and expecting myself alone to handle that in a 5-hour window because they can’t get into a venue till 9 and have to be ready by 2 pm. Either have a later ceremony (which I always recommend) or don’t ask 6 girls to be your bridesmaids if your budget and time don’t allow for it.
I hope this helps you get an idea of what can create stress or peace when inquiring about hair and makeup services and how your wedding day will flow. The longer I am in this industry and the older I get, the more I enjoy smaller wedding parties. They feel so intimate and allow time to connect while getting ready. They take all the stress away and create an atmosphere that inspires my creativity vs cramping.