New Things.

New Things.

2024 is here, and that means change! It’s time to reevaluate what works and what doesn’t. My old site was not working for me, and after years of contemplating changing it all up, here we are, and I am so excited about it.

I hope this will help bring in my ideal clients and also serve as a place for encouragement and hope. I’m never going to be a one-thing type of person. I believe we have too many different attributes that we should be utilizing. For instance, I enjoy writing a blog post every once in a while about what God has been doing in my life. Other times, my podcast will be where I share new revelations. I might share some posts about marriage to give insight to my clients as they are about to say “I Do,” along with practical tips for your wedding day hair and makeup. I love home decor and DIY projects like the next person, and with my husband being a builder, my hope is to start sharing those moments here just for fun.

I’m looking forward to the newness this fresh site brings to my creativity and where it can lead. I hope you enjoy all the content you find and maybe even come back after your wedding day is over.

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