
My First Article in a E-Magazine!

Am i a writer?

I’ve journaled since I was 8 years old…

On my first trip to Disney World at 8 years old my mom bought me a Pocahontas diary with a lock and since then I have been writing. I never enjoyed English class and I’m sure you can tell I am terrible with grammar. However, that hasn’t stopped this love for writing. I used to write about my crush on Travis growing up a lot haha and all my life experiences in the moment. Then one day in 2012 after a whirlwind of a few years and miracles, I wrote these words in my journal, “I should write a book”. That sat there with no more thought until December 2017 when I woke up one Sunday morning, jumped out of the bed and immediately shouted at my husband “I have to write a book, I have to write it now!”

I jumped in the shower to get ready for church and instantly had this overwhelming feeling of how to write my book, what it was about and that this was definitely a God thing. Did I know anything about writing, absolutely not. Could I open up Word and start typing what came to mind, yes! From that point till now, 7 years later I still have yet to publish that book that I finished in 2018. But something in me lately is sensing the nudge to reopen the idea.

This week, while my book is still tucked away in my Google Docs folder, I did have the opportunity to write an article for my friend’s and really my mentor in a sense, e-mag Unveiled Living. Funny enough, she told me on a Thursday night there was still time if I wanted to send her something before she made the magazine live on Wednesday. But she would need my submission by Sunday. Saturday night I sat down and within 45 minutes had not one but three different drafts. I quickly realized that the 600-word count that was given was not enough to get into detail about anything and this would have to be a generalized writing. That was different for me because for me the power is in the details when it comes to writing. But then again, I’m not an expert.

My final draft I felt good about even thought it was more of an overview of what I tried to say in that word count. I sent it to her and Sunday morning the Lord confirmed my writing to me by having my pastor mention a lot of what I just wrote about the night before. You see, I also sent Tracee MULTIPLE messages about if it didn’t meet her standards because I’m not a pro, that she could lovingly tell me she wasn’t going to use it. I didn’t feel qualified. She has REAL writers that write for her, people who have actually done something in that world. I just enjoy writing to the Lord in prayer and occasionally a blog post when inspired to inspire. But it’s just like God to stretch us and use us in every single thing He has put within us. Especially, when we feel unqualified. So, here is my article in my first magazine! I hope you will read what the others wrote as well and share it with another woman in your life.

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One Comment

  1. Absolutely love every bit of this. Made me smile and celebrate reading it. So proud of you and all that God is doing. Love the leaps of faith you are taking. God is only just beginning …..🔥 Love and believe in your fiercely!

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